
The world just moves of speeds I can't stand
and shoves me aside, breaks my heart
and soul. I see my end in sight
just past the forest black
There I lay
A butterfly with midnight wings
Invisible yet opaque I cry
my mind, my foe, my heart my pain
and my scars my pride. I'm sound, yet insane
but life still passes me by
There I lay gasping
A butterfly with midnight wings
Behind my frown is tears. Behind
my heart is pain so deep it wounds
my soul. I choke on life and want
for death to take me aside
There I lay gasping, crying
A butterfly with midnight wings
Inside I've died, but yet I live on
and face a darker sky each day
The wounds still fresh, the tears come easy
I know the world cares not for me.
There I lay gasping, crying, dying
A butterfly with midnight wings.
[Imagem: autoria,Geno;
Texto: "Butterfly With Midnight Wings", autoria, Raven;
panorama: (no topo do site) "Without Wings". autor, silentdark;
música e texto: "Darkfall", de God Is An Astronaut, retirado do álbum "Far from Refuge".]