Lost in the Mist

Ithaka. Although in my mind, still so far away she seems.
Lost in the mist that shortens sight.
The mist that fools you into seeing something you do not.
Fabled sites with fabled creatures that you only dreamed of.
That you continue to dream with. Every night.
Thoughts raised way high above my feet stir my spirit with scents I haven't smelled, scenes I haven't seen.
Melodies I seek to listen.
Awaiting the city that can harbour my unrested soul, that can soothe my anger, bury my sorrows.
Seems near. Almost at touch. Within my reach.
And like Plato, I awaken.
To no glory.
[Imagem: autoria, Geno;
Texto: autoria, Geno;
panorama: (no topo do site) "...". autor, Geno;

música: "Wonderful World", de Nine Horses, retirado do álbum "Snow Borne Sorrow".]