
But where is the opposite shore? How can they go back if they have lost all notion of the direction they came from? How can they go back if there are no longer any points of reference, if everything is black and white, an endlessly repeating landscape (…).
In spite of all the evidence that returning is no longer an option, they frequently think about it, even the most lucid -- or rather, least delirious. Fear, however, has unhinged them and they all begin to mumble unintelligible prayers that none of them really knows.
They all know that those prayers have no meaningful content and, even if they wanted to they would be unable to communicate their final coherent thought.
Deep down they are still conscious of the fact that they are only human.
Imagem: autoria, Geno;
Texto: mash-up feito por mim sobre texto de Fernando Sorrentino)
panorama: (no topo do site) "...". autor, Geno;
CéU - La Prómesse du Brésil - "Véu da Noite"